God, Deity of the Universe, He/Him?

Where and when did you first consider God’s gender? Does it even make sense to gender the 4th Dimensional Creator of the Universe? Megan and Joel discuss their own experiences around this question and point to some resources to help with why it matters and what it means for a modern Christian.


Jesus has no Y Chromosome: http://nonadventures.com/2015/10/24/the-blast-supper/?fbclid=IwAR1-NQDhWyC5RRdehvTHEBAJ6OS6Yk9r2-xJySQhhcqR3TYiAoZkEWJIQ88

Does God Have Gender?: https://www.cbeinternational.org/resources/article/priscilla-papers/does-god-have-gender

Oscar Romero - Liberation Theology : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/%C3%93scar_Romero

Keith Ward: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Keith_Ward

Slate Speak: https://www.slateproject.org/slatespeak.html

Backsliding to Glory is a podcast all about living a Progressive Christian life in the middle of the Bible Belt, if that sounds like you, join our Facebook Group, follow Megan on Twitter @meganromer and Joel on Twitter @therogueslife or find links and info for the show anytime at Backslidingtoglory.com

Email us your thoughts and experiences to [email protected]

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