On this episode of Backsliders, we talk with our new friend Lou Wilson. Lou is a comedian, actor, writer, and improviser from Los Angeles, CA. He currently writes for Jimmy Kimmel Live and stars in the new movie King of Staten Island, directed by one of our personal favorites, Judd Apatow. (It’s streaming on Amazon/HBO/HULU - watch it!) Lou talks with us about his upbringing in Los Angeles where he was raised Catholic and went to mass every Sunday with his family, including grandparents. Lou says he was never really into church and he wasn’t forced to go to Sunday School, so he wasn’t as serious about everything as the other kids his age. Lou describes himself as a Lax Catholic and said he’s always believed in God, but has never been big on rules and rituals. When Lou was in junior high, another scandal with abusive priests in the Catholic church went public, including some priests that his parents knew. This caused his mother to stop going to church, and so he stopped going as well.

Lou did connect with the values of his Jesuit Catholic High School, that his education had a purpose that was meant to serve greater humanity. Both in high school and college, he was able to distance himself from the rules and rituals of his Catholic surroundings and would skip church whenever he could. “Where do I seek God in my life?” is a meditation/prayer that he learned in college and still carries with him today. We also talk with Lou about his creative process, where he credits the spiritual spaces he grew up and was educated in, which taught him to do work that creates a more just world in service of others. We hope you enjoy this conversation!



King of Staten Island

[NEW NEWS] If you enjoy this podcast and want to hang out with us a little more, we also have a web series titled Backsliders! This show was recently selected by the Tribeca Film Festival and the Tribeca Creators Market sponsored by HBO! Check out our new episode by clicking here.


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Intro Music "7.2.19" by Chase Burnett

Outro Music "Stay Mad" by Chase Burnett ft. Julia Nunes

Title Animation/Poster art by Cody Walzel

Special Thanks to Angie Charles


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