Previous Episode: War
Next Episode: Q&A: Heaven

Our neighborhood gang has been playing with walkie-talkies a lot recently. And they’ve been having A LOT of fun! My kids can turn on their walkie-talkie and talk to their friends 2 or 3 houses down the street!

While they are SUPER fun, they do require a few things that we’ve had trouble with before. For example, you have to have batteries. Lots of batteries. And you have to make sure it’s turned on to the right channel. Like if everyone isn’t on channel 1, then you won’t hear each other. Oh, and then you have to press the button down on the side when you want to talk and let it go when it’ s your turn to listen.

It’s not like walkie-talkies are hard, but you just have to know a few things about using them in order to be able to talk to the other person you want to talk to and then for them to be able to hear you.

Wouldn’t it be cool if we could have a walkie-talkie with God? Like we could turn it on at any time and talk to Him and He would hear us and then talk back? That would be so COOL!

But guess what? Psalm 139:4 tells us that “before a word is on my tongue, you know it completely, O Lord.” And that sounds WAY better than a walkie-talkie! Doesn’t it? 

God knows us so well and wants to talk with you so much that He made a way for you and Him to be able to talk no matter what. In fact, that verse said before a word is on our tongue, He knows it! That means we don’t even have to say it out loud for Him to hear us. 

So, even if your walkie-talkie is nowhere to be found or your batteries are dead. He knows your THOUGHTS, like the things in your head that no one else knows you’re thinking except yourself. He knows us that well! And that sounds so much better than having a walkie-talkie with God. 

Here are some questions to talk about. You can pause after each question and discuss. Oh, and there’s not wrong answer to these. So don’t overthink it!

1.     What thoughts do you have that God knows about?

2.     Why do you think God wants to know our thoughts?

3.     How do you think God can listen to everyone’s thoughts from all around the world, all at the same time?

One last time before we sign off, let’s practice our verse together. You can repeat after me. “Before a word is on my tongue, you know it completely, O Lord.” Psalm 139:4

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