Have you ever had something come in the mail just for you? Maybe a letter from someone or a fun magazine or maybe even a package! I, at the age of 35, still get excited about mail. Unless it’s a bill, which is another story, but when we see the mailman stop at our house, it’s usually a rush to the door to see who is going to get to the package or mailbox first. Even though my kids run to the mailbox, the mail is usually not for them….yet. But sometimes…sometimes…it says their name on it and it makes our day! A special package or note just to them. 

Someone took time to think of them, write a note or buy a present and then took time to send it to them. To makes sure it got there. And it wasn’t just the sender that made sure the package or note arrived safely, there were plenty of other helpers along the way that took it from one mailbox to another, loaded it on trucks, and then drove it to our house to deliver it. And because of that, the thought and effort that went in to the letter or package just for me, it makes it super special.  

God’s word, the Bible, is like a special package just for us! But it’s more special than any other package. Want to know why? Because it is what we call the “inspired word of God.” Now, this doesn’t mean that every word is a word that Jesus spoke. It means that the Holy Spirit actually told people what to write down at different times throughout history. In fact, there are actually 40 different human writers in the Bible. But, all the words came from ONE person and that’s God himself. 

And because it’s from God means it’s true, true, true. There is nothing in it that isn’t true. No lies. So we can know that whatever we read when we open the Bible can be trusted. Even if it might not make sense to us, we can always remember that it’s true whether we understand it or not.


 But, that’s what the Bible is! A letter to us. From God. Thousands of years old and yet God has made sure that we still have His letter to us! He loves us so much that He has made sure that His words, the Bible, have not been lost or forgotten over time. 

He thinks you’re special enough that He wanted YOU to have His special letter that He wrote for YOU. So next time you read the Bible, let’s think about how awesome it is that God took the time to write us a letter. AND that He took time to make sure that it was delivered to us.

2 Timothy 3:16 says that “All scripture is God-breathed.” Meaning it’s His words! And the verse goes on to tell us how it’s useful for us. Because, hello, what could be more useful to us than God’s holy words?!  That’s some pretty powerful stuff!  

Now before we talk through our questions, I want you to know that not everyone in the world has a Bible. Think about that for a minute. Not everyone in the world has a Bible. What would you do if you didn’t have a Bible? How would you know and learn about God? If you’re listening to this you probably have a Bible. I’d bet you might even have more than one in your house! Ask your parents how many Bibles you have in your house…..

Here are some questions to talk about. You can pause after each question and discuss or just generally review together when it’s over. Oh, and there’s no wrong answer to these! The point is to get conversation flowing. So don’t overthink it!

1.     Who wrote the Bible? 2.     How would you learn about God if you didn’t have a Bible? 3.     How is the Bible like a gift?

One last time before we sign off, let’s practice our verse together. You can repeat after me. “All scripture - is God-breathed.” 2 Timothy - 3:16a

You’ve been listening to Backseat Bible Nuggets. A podcast for kids about God’s great love for them and His written word. Parents you can check out more resources at BackseatBibleNuggets.com. 
*Music: Forest by Vlad Gluschenko

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