Previous Episode: Fully God, Fully Man
Next Episode: Seeds and Soils

What makes you strong? 

Well, I really should tell you that there’s 2 different ways that you can be strong. You can be strong with your muscles. And someone can also be strong in the Lord. And rather than flexing their muscles to show that strength you’ll be able to tell when someone is strong in the Lord by watching how they act or listening closely to the things they say. If their attitude and how the treat others and words reflect how God want us to act this is how you might know that someone is strong in the Lord. It’s a different kind of strength that comes from spiritual muscles. 

Psalm 28:7a says, “The Lord is my strength and my shield; my heart trusts in Him, and I am helped.”

So, here are some questions to talk about. You can pause to discuss and as always, there’s no wrong answer. The point is to get conversation flowing.

1.     What do we mean by spiritual muscles?

2.     Do you think we should spend more time on making the muscles in our body stronger or should we spend more time on our spiritual muscles?

3.     What can you do today to make your spiritual muscles stronger?

*Music: "Forest" by Vlad Gulschenko

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