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“He’s got the whole world in His hands” Do you know that song? It’s a good one that reminds us how our BIG God is in control of all things. The song says that He’s got the world in His hands, which is true, but He actually controls more than that! He is in control of the universe! .......

God created all of these things and put them in place with perfect balance. And He’s really good at it! I mean, we tried to make a solar system mobile recently and planets kept falling off. The whole mobile was heavy on one side and hung crooked. It was much harder than I thought it would be. And that’s just a silly mobile! 

Our creator God created the world we live in and He created YOU with such perfection that we can’t even understand all that He’s done. I mean, if I can’t successfully make a solar system mobile how would I ever start to try and create a human being. Yikes! But God did. And He doesn’t stop there.

He is still in control over all that He created. He didn’t just create things and then forget about them. 

He’s in control of His creation. Every thing from the solar system to the details of your life. He is in charge of everything that happens in the world. He decides what will happen in your life today, He decides what will happen to countries as they rise and fall, He decides what will happen with the weather, He decides what will happen at school, He is in charge of it all! There is nothing outside of His control.

There’s a big word for this. It’s sovereignty. Can you say that? Repeat after me. Sovereignty. You might hear someone say that God is sovereign. This means that God is in control of everything. And this should make us feel so safe and secure. 

But when I don’t believe that God is in control, I worry and get nervous and I feel like it’s all up to me to make sure that it turns out the way I want.

When I DO believe that God is in control, I am sure that no matter what happens He is involved and will take care of me. It doesn’t mean He will give me whatever I want or that it’ll even be clear what He’s doing. But I can be sure that His plan. And His way is the best way!

Think of something that you can hold in your hand. Like my kids love to catch lizards or worms. Or what about a roly poly. Have you ever caught someone like that and held it in your hand? That’s what God is doing for us right now. But He’s doing even more than just holding us. He’s making sure everything that happens in our world and in our lives is part of His plan. He has the power to make sure that everything that happens, happens for His good purposes and for His glory. And that doesn’t just mean the good things! He can make good things come out of even bad things that happen in this world. He is sovereign over it all!

Daniel 4:35b says, “He does as He pleases with the power of heaven. He does what He wants with the nations of the earth.” And this truth makes me take a deep breath and relax knowing He’s got it all under His control. And I can trust HIS control.

Here are some questions to talk about. You can pause after each question and discuss or just generally review together when it’s over. Oh, and this is important! There’s no wrong answer to these! The point is to get conversation flowing. So don’t overthink it!

1.     So what is God in control of? Name some things!

2.     How do you feel knowing that God controls everything?

3.     Would you rather be in control or would you rather God be in control?

One last time, let’s practice our verse together. You can repeat after me. “He does as He pleases – with the power of heaven. – He does what He wants – with the nations of the earth.” Daniel 4:35b
*Music: "Forest" by Vlad Gluschenko

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