Previous Episode: One Way
Next Episode: Best Days and Worst Days

Today I have a guest here with me, Ethan! Ethan, how old are you?

Ethan: I’m 11 years old.

So at the age of 11, you’ve got something going on that has challenged and encouraged me and I think will for others too. Tell us what your morning routine looks like.

Ethan: Well, when I wake up in the morning I read my Bible, then pray. Next I get dressed for the day. After that’s done I eat my breakfast, and do pretty much everything you do to get ready for the day. 

And this routine is pretty important to you from what I hear! You’ve been doing this for a while, right? Tell us WHY you do this. Like does your mom and dad make you or do you have to for school or what makes you WANT to spend your mornings in this way?

Ethan: I’ve been doing this for a year and a half now. No, no one makes me do it; But it still means a lot to me because we serve a God of order and it is probably what God would do ( well, He would do it perfectly but you understand.)

Psalm 119:9 says, “How can a young man keep his way pure? By living according to your word.” This verse is fitting not only because you are a young man, like the verse mentions but because in order to keep our way pure, or in order to live God’s way which is the best way, it says we must live according to His word. Well, how do we live according to His word or how do we live the way He wants us to live? We have to KNOW His word! We can’t expect to live the way God would have for us to live if we never read the Bible, His word. 

So, Ethan, you’re setting an awesome pattern in your life every day by starting out spending time reading the Bible and in prayer and thinking about what God’s word means in your life. Guess who else set this example for us in the Bible?

Ethan: Jesus!

That’s right! LOTS of times we see Jesus going off by himself to spend time alone with the Lord. Jesus would even wake up while everyone else was sleeping in order for Him to get some time alone with God. And man, if Jesus needed that time alone with God and made this a part of His every day life, shouldn’t we?!

So, Ethan, if someone wants to start spending time with God like you do and like Jesus showed us to do, what would you tell them?

Ethan: I would suggest that you wake up 30 minutes prior to getting started for the day. Then begin reading two chapters of the bible a day and start in Genesis and end in Revelation. Then finish your time with God in prayer. I started off this way and I encourage you to do this as well. But, if this isn’t what’s best for you, you can always find a new way.

Okay last question. Since you’ve started spending time reading the Bible each morning, how has it changed you?

Ethan: It has changed me on so many different levels. Mainly though, this has helped me in knowing that God is with me and no matter what happens, He is on my side.

Awesome. Well, Ethan, I’m proud of you as a sister in Christ and want to encourage you to keep it up. As you grow up and life changes it’ll be hard to always keep this practice, but I pray the Lord continues to draw you to Himself and transform your heart for His kingdom.

Thanks for joining us today!

You've been listening to Backseat Bible Nuggets. A podcast for kids about God's great love for them and His written word. Parents you can check out more resources at We're honored you listened and pray deep roots grow in the lives of your backseaters as you go along the way.

*Music: "Forest" by Vlad Gluschenko

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