Previous Episode: Jonah

The story of Noah and the gigantic boat that he built is a story that lots of you have probably heard before. But what does it teach us? What do we learn about the Lord through this story?

Well, we don’t just learn one thing, we can learn lots of things from one story!

We can learn that God is protector. He protected Noah and his family and all the animals from dying in the flood. 

He is provider. He gave Noah the brain and muscles to build a boat like that. God even gave Noah the exact measurements for how big it should be to make sure everything would fit in it.

What else do we learn?

We can learn that God is holy, which means He has absolutely NO sin. And because He is holy, He hates sin. He hates seeing people sin. He’s actually VERY serious about sin. So serious and so holy that God was willing to save just the few people that followed God on earth while wiping everyone else out in the flood. His holiness compared to the sin of the people on earth is what started this whole story of Noah and the ark!

 Now, we talk about sin a lot because it’s a fact of life for us humans. Remember, Romans 3:23, “For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God”? But there’s something different for us today when we sin compared to the sinful people who where killed in the flood that God sent. And that difference is Jesus! 

When we sin today, God still hates it. His feelings on sin hasn’t changed. It’s just that NOW we have a way to make our relationship right with the Lord again. When we believe in Jesus and what He did for us on the cross to forgive us from our sins and when He is king of our life, then we are forgiven from our sins. Jesus’ death changed everything. God doesn’t see sin in the world and have to flood the earth again, which by the way, He promised He would never do. And we are reminded of that promise whenever we see a rainbow.

Jesus is the way that we as humans can know and love a God who is holy. And whenever I read the story of Noah’s ark I’m reminded just how serious God is about sin. But also just how awesome He is for creating stories like this that show us His loving protection for those who follow Him.

Genesis 6:9b tells us that, “Noah was a godly man. He was without blame among the people of his time. He walked faithfully with God.”

So, let’s talk about some questions. The point of the questions is to get you talking about the Lord. You can pause after each question to discuss. Oh, and don’t overthink it!

1.     What do you learn about God through the story of Noah’s ark?

2.     What do you learn from Noah in this story? We didn’t have time to go in to this one so really think about how Noah responded, how hard he worked, and even what his friends must’ve thought about what he was doing.

3.     How does the story of Noah’s ark make us thankful for Jesus?

One last time before we sign off, let’s practice our verse together. You can repeat after me. “Noah was a godly man. He was without blame among the people of his time. He walked faithfully with God.” Genesis 6:9b

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