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How cool is it that there’s a story about a queen who loved God in the Bible? We just heard how brave she was to go to the king and ask for him to save the lives of the Jews. When Esther went to the King without him asking her to come she could have been killed! Kings were very serious back then with lots of strict rules!


In fact, Esther said this in the Bible: “I’ll go to the king. I’ll do it even though it against the law. And if I have to die, I’ll die.” Esther 4:16


Esther, trusting God and His plan, knew what she had to do to save the Jewish people. Even if it meant putting her life on the line. Wow! What bravery!


You can read more about Queen Esther in the Bible. She has a whole book in the Bible named after her for what she did!

Through the book of Esther, we see that God’s plan will always win. And we learn that He always takes care of His people. AND guess what? Esther’s story shows us that God has more power than any king or ruler.

So, here are some questions to talk about. You can pause after each question and discuss. Oh, and the point is to get conversation flowing. So don’t overthink it!

How do you think Esther felt when she had to be brave? Have you ever had to be brave and do something you were scared to do? For this last question, you might have to go and read more about Queen Esther to answer. But, in what ways did God honor her bravery? Like what happened to Esther after she did this for God?

Our verse today is Esther 4:16. You can repeat after me. “I’ll go to the king. I’ll do it even though it against the law. And if I have to die, I’ll die.” Esther 4:16

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