Christmas is a time to celebrate Jesus being born! This is a BIG deal and I’m so excited to tell you why!

I get excited about any birthday party…the cake, the candles, the gifts, the FUN! But I’m REALLY excited about a birthday for Jesus!

When Jesus was born, it showed us how much God wanted to be with us. He could have stayed in heaven doing other things, but He loved us so much that He didn’t want to be SO far away from us.

So God sent His one and only son, Jesus, to live as a human. He was totally God and totally human at the same time, which is crazy, right?!

But God didn’t just decide one day to send Jesus. No, God had this plan for a long long long long time. And thousands of years went by as people waited for God’s plan to take place.

People knew God had promised to rescue them, but HOW…..WHEN….. WHO….. and WHY?

When Jesus was born, most people did NOT think this was God’s great plan. But it was!! Our rescuer, our Lord, was born in a stinky barn with gross animals. I’m glad I wasn’t born there!

But I’m so thankful that Jesus was born. Because when He was born, it showed that God wanted to be with me. And with you!

He came and lived a perfect life. Then He died on the cross to save me from my sins. Now I get to be with God and KNOW Him! AND I get to join Him in heaven one day!

This is why Christmas is special. It’s because we celebrate Jesus being born. And that means we celebrate what His life means – our relationship with Him!

Here are some questions to talk about. You can pause after each question to discuss. Oh, and this is important! There’s no wrong answer, so don’t overthink it.

What are we celebrating at Christmas?

Why is it a big deal that Jesus was born?

One last time before we sign off, let’s practice a Bible verse together that shows us why we celebrate Christmas.

She will give birth to a son. – And he will be called Immanuel – which means, “God with us.”  - Matthew 1:23

*Music: "Forest" by Vlad Gulschenko

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