Previous Episode: God Is
Next Episode: Peacemakers

What are you going to be for Halloween this year? Have you decided yet? In case you’re still undecided, let me point you towards a Bible verse that tells us to be aliens. Wait, what?! That’s right, 1 Peter 2:11 says, “Dear friends, I urge you, as aliens and strangers in the world, to abstain from sinful desires, which war against your soul.” 

That verse has a lot of big words, but let’s focus on the part where Peter, who wrote this in the Bible, tells us to be aliens and strangers in the world. WHAT does that mean??

An alien is someone from a different planet, right? Think for a second what you imagine an alien to look like. If you want, draw me a picture and have your parents send it to me. I’d love to see your aliens! ([email protected]


We’ve talked before about when we become a Christian and have the Holy Spirit living in us, it changes EVERYTHING about us. While we might not have antenna on our head or have green slimy skin, like I usually think of an alien, it does change us on the inside. It changes our heart and what we care about, it changes how we want to spend our time, it changes how we treat others, it changes EVERYTHING. And when we are changed, we start to look so different than the world around us.

This is what it means to be an alien! 

Here are some questions to talk about. You can pause after each question and discuss or just generally review together when it’s over. Oh, and this is important! There’s no wrong answer to these! The point is to get conversation flowing. So don’t overthink it!

1.     If you’re not a Christian, are you an alien in the world or not an alien?

2.     What are some ways to be an “alien” in the world for God? Like is it to walk around with 3 eyes, antenna, and green skin? Or is it something else when we are an alien in the world as a Christian?

3.     And last question to think about, WHY would God want us to be different from the world around us? WHY would he want us to be aliens?

One last time, let’s practice our verse together. You can repeat after me. “Dear friends, I urge you, as aliens and strangers in the world, to abstain from sinful desires, which war against your soul.” 1 Peter 2:11

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