Previous Episode: Forgive and Forget

We talk a lot on here about how Jesus came to earth and died for our sins. But, did you know that Jesus is going to come back to earth some day?!

Yeah! He’s going to come back one day. But this time it’ll be different. This time He won’t be born in a manger with Mary and Joseph as his Mom and Dad. This time will be A LOT different.


I have to tell you up front that we don’t know EXACTLY all the details about how Jesus will come back, but we DO know He said He would come back so we can trust that it’s true.


We can look to the Bible for some clues about what it will be like when Jesus returns to earth. So, here’s what we DO know about when Jesus comes back again, which we also sometimes call His second coming.


We know he will come on the clouds. We know that every eye will see Him. That means every person will see Him with their own eyeballs. We know He will come with all of His angels – tons and tons of angels with Him. Oh, and there will be trumpets! Loud trumpets! (trumpet sound) AND we know that the only person who knows when all of this will happen is (drum roll) God, Himself.


Revelation 1:7a says, ”Behold, He is coming with the clouds, and every eye will see Him…”


How cool is that?! Our God is so amazing that He can do all of those things – like come in the clouds with millions even billions of angels behind Him. With a trumpet call announcing His arrival so that all eyes on earth will look to Him and see Him. I REALLY want to see this because I think it’ll be the coolest sight ever!


And it will be for those who know and love Jesus! For those who don’t know Him or follow Him, though, it won’t be the best day ever. That’s because when Jesus comes back they won’t have time anymore to turn to Him. That’s why it’s important that we know and follow Jesus TODAY! We can’t wait to do that because remember….no one knows when He’s coming back. Only God knows that!


What if it’s today? Look up! Do you see Him in the clouds right now? What if it’s tomorrow? What if it’s when you’re 100 years old? Who knows?! Maybe it won’t happen in your lifetime. Maybe it’ll be in 10,000 years. Only God knows. But, we are told to live for Him right now and to be excited about the day when He comes back in this awesome way.


Okay friends, here are some questions to talk about. You can pause after each question to discuss. And, like always…don’t overthink it! The point is to get us talking about this:

1.     What are some things we know from the Bible about Jesus’ second coming?

2.     What are some questions that you might have about Jesus coming back to earth? There are plenty of things that we don’t know about this day! So what are some of your questions?

3.     How do you think you’ll respond if you see Him coming back? Would you jump for joy or find a trumpet to blow or maybe you’d hide not knowing what was happening or something else?  


Let’s try and learn our verse together. You can repeat after me. “Behold, He is coming with the clouds, and every eye will see Him…” Revelation 1:7a


Backseat Bible Nuggets is a part of the Christian Parenting Podcast Network. To find practical and spiritual guidance to help you grow into the perfectly imperfect parent you want to be visit

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