Previous Episode: New Creation

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You know how in lots of movies, they are searching for some object that has great power or even like a treasure that has great value? Like the genie lamp in Aladdin that would give whatever was wished or desired. Or in the latest Minions movie when they are after the Zodiac stones that would give unlimited power. Lots and lots of movies have an object like that – one that is powerful and legendary. I’m sure you can think of other examples from your favorite movies.


Well, I started thinking the other day that we should think of the Bible like that. We should think of the Bible as a treasure. A powerful object. An ancient artifact of great value.


Because that’s what it is!! Hebrews 4:12 tells us that God’s word is sharper than a double-edged sword. And it’s not just any sword, it’s a sword that can divide soul and spirit, joints and marrow; and judge the attitude of the heart. That sounds really powerful!


And it IS powerful! Did you know that when Jesus was tempted by Satan, and they were having this sorta spiritual fight, that Jesus fought back with Satan by using words from the Bible? Isn’t that crazy?

Jesus didn’t use jiu jitsu moves or Hulk smash punches to beat Satan. No, Jesus used the most powerful tool He had – which was God’s word. The Bible.


Psalm 119:105 also tells us that the Bible is so powerful that it’s a lamp to our feet and a light for our path. The guy who wrote Psalm 119 goes on to say that God’s word makes his heart tremble – which means to shake or shiver because it’s so powerful.


The Bible really is a powerful treasure. And most of us have it right in our house! How great is that?! We don’t have to go on a long quest or fight off bad guys to get this powerful treasure, like they do in the moves. No, we just have to open it and read it. You see the power of the Bible, doesn’t come from just owning a Bible. That’s not how this treasure works. This treasure is powerful when we read the words or hear the words.


So, here are some questions to talk about. You can pause after each question and discuss. Oh, and there’s no wrong answer to these. The point is to get conversation flowing. So don’t overthink it!

In what ways do you think the Bible is powerful? What gives the Bible it’s power? How might this change the way that you think about reading the Bible every day?

Now, let’s practice our verse together. We talked about a few verses today, but lets reread Psalm 119:105 together. You can repeat after me. “Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path.” Psalm 119:105

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