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Alright Backseaters, as we start this episode, I want you to show me your best dance move. GO ahead and let me see it! I’ll be dancing right along with you.

Wow! Incredible moves! Where did you learn to dance like that?

Did you know that dancing is not only fun but it can be used to worship God? That’s right! The Bible talks about dancing a lot. If you want to read some verses you can check out Ecclesiastes 3:4 or Psalm 30:11 or Psalm 149:3.

But today we are going to talk about King David dancing. You have probably heard of King David but have you heard of his dance moves? King David loved to dance and he wasn’t afraid to show it!

Now, he didn’t just dance to show off his dance moves, but he danced to worship God, to give God glory and he did it in response to how awesome he thought God was.

2 Samuel chapter 6 tells us the story of when King David brought the ark to Jerusalem. Now, this ark is called the ark of the covenant. NOT Noah’s ark. NOT A BOAT! The ark of the covenant was a special box that God told the people exactly how to make and it represented God himself being with the people. It seems a little strange to us today because we live in a different time where God’s Spirit can be with us anywhere, anytime. But it wasn’t always like this!

God’s presence, or just God being with His people centered around this box called the ark of the covenant. Okay, so the ark of the covenant was coming into Jerusalem and King David…oh man….he was SO excited. You know why? Because it meant God would be with them, close to them!

And guess what? David showed His excitement and praise and worship to God by busting out his BEST dance moves!

2 Samuel 6:14b tells us that David, “danced in front of the Lord with all his might.” Show me how you can dance with all your might like David.


And David wasn’t the only one worshipping. EVERYONE was excited and worshipping God, it says! The next verse says that “the whole community of Israel helped him bring it up. They shouted. They blew trumpets.”

They all worshipped God in different ways, but King David is known for his dance moves in this story.

So, let’s talk about a few things… You can pause after each question to discuss. And, like always…don’t overthink it! The point is to get us talking:

1.     What’s your favorite way to worship the Lord?

2.     Why do you think it’s important for you to worship God?

3.     What do you think is God’s favorite dance move?

Let’s try and learn our verse together. You can repeat after me. “David danced in front of the Lord with all his might.” 2 Samuel 6:14b

Backseat Bible Nuggets is a part of the Christian Parenting Podcast Network. To find practical and spiritual guidance to help you grow into the perfectly imperfect parent you want to be visit

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