Backlist: And now, the finale! We discuss the FINAL BOOK in the Kiesha'ra series, WYVERNHAIL (published September 2007), by who else? Amelia Atwater-Rhodes! Just SO MANY FEELINGS about the series and Hai and this Extremely Necessary final book.

Chill: Cyna attempted to drink a Tears of the Prophet (Absolut Mandarin, pomegranate juice) and ended up with a Sad Prophet instead (triple sec, vodka, pomegranate juice, pineapple juice). Ollie is knocking back a shm'ecl'la'hai (absinthe + Ginger Ale Bold). PICS: Cyna - Ollie.

As mentioned: The PG-13 cover

Intro theme - "Let It In" by Josh Woodward.

Next time:  Author Intro for season 7! PREPEARE THINESELVES.

Stay safe y'all and get vaccinated!

(1h 50m. Content Warning: Profanity, alcohol consumption, sexually explicit and generally extremely filthy language, discussion of rape and sexual assault, racism, internalized racism, self-hate, and white supremacy.)

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