Friends, it is with great sadness we inform you that Season 1, Episode 3: Blood & Chocolate is currently delayed by intense technical difficulties.
An explanation:
Ollie's recording was set to use THE GOOD MIC while chatting with Cyna but alas! The recording in Audacity used the built-in laptop mic. While that mic isn't a huge problem for most things, it wasn't what Ollie was aiming for when talking. So a lot of their voice got chopped up. It's awful.
So! Ollie loves you apparently? And is transcribing the entire episode—decoding their missing words like a gawd damn detective—and will then RE-record their half. This is going to take a long fucking time. And we don't want to delay putting out more episodes. Thus, we're moving on to Episode 4, the final part of Season 1.
S'all right? S'all right.
Behold! Backlist & Chill: Episode 3—wherein we rip a new asshole to FREAKS: ALIVE, ON THE INSIDE!
The fourth and currently final novel by Annette Curtis Klause, ALIVE ON THE INSIDE was published on January 31, 2006 by Margaret K. McElderry Books (paperback release in 2007 with Simon Pulse).
This is the second ACK novel that was unfamiliar for Cyna and Ollie. And... with good reason, it turns out! This episode is DOUBLE SIZED compared to our last episode.
Friends. This one is a mess of content warnings. Be sure to read those at the bottom of this post before giving a listen. Be safe!
Featuring Cyna with a drink called "Circus Freak" and Ollie with a good strong glass of time-period appropriate Absente absinthe. Intro theme - "Let It In" by Josh Woodward.
Bonus content! Have a gander at Cyna and Ollie's drank set ups via our Twitter thread.
Next time: Announcing our Season 2 author backlist! CHILLEST TIER only will have access to this episode 1 week earlier than everyone else!

We frankly discuss this book's child molestation sub-subplots from: 1:21:41 - 1:27:16

Equally, frank discussion of transphobia and TERF concepts sprinkled throughout—anything that CAN be transphobic IS IN THIS BOOK: 1:25:21 - 1:45:39

(2h 4m. Content Warning: Vulgar language and drinking alcohol from hosts; discussions of privileged entitled mediocre white boy, constant sexual thoughts of a teenage boy from the adult writer's perspective, ableism, beauty essentialism, homophobia, transphobia, sexism and misogyny, racism, "exoticizing" of people of color, male gaze sexualizing and objectifying women and potentially non-cis people, manipulative women stereotypes, girlhate, manpain, sex worker shaming, arranged marriages, fat-phobia and fat-shaming, complicity in terrible shit, appropriation of others' marginalized identities, physical and emotional abuse of children, neglect and food insecurity, kidnapping, trafficking and exploitation of children, child and adult slavery, child molestation/rape and pedophilia, children kept in filth and squalor, threats of sending a child to an asylum because of his different looks, and murder in the book.)
Psst! Want to get our next episode delivered to your inbox days before it goes live to the public? Become our patron at the $2 or higher level and you are in! Already our patron? Then you know what we're talking about! Enjoy, friend!

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