Backlist: Okay we're back, reading THE FORBIDDEN GAME volume two, THE CHASE by LJ Smith, published May 1st 1992 blah blah blah who cares. The REAL question is, DID YOU WIN THE RING? DID YOU? DO YOU STILL HAVE IT? CAN WE SEE IT?

Chill: Cyna is not drinking a Green Creeper, that's for sure. She's drinking a Wall of Flame (fireball and apple cider), while Ollie's coming in with the excellently-named This is Not and Absinthe Cocktail (Wollersheim Dancehall Absinthe Blanche + Seagram's ginger ale + pomegranate-dragonfruit sparkling water ). Pics! Cyna - Ollie.

Intro theme - "Let It In" by Josh Woodward.

As mentioned: Netherlands by Dan Fogelberg (the extremely AM radio song that comes on in the car scene)
Charles Ashmore's Trail by Ambrose Bierce (the story Michael mentions)
The Greg Land art in question (and if you'd like to know more)

Next time: The finale! Season 9 Episode 3: FORBIDDEN GAME: THE KILL. Chiller and Chillest tier patrons will receive this episode before it goes public!

Stay safe, y'all. Get your boosters and mask up!

(1h 57m. Content Warning: Profanity, alcohol consumption, sexually explicit and generally extremely filthy language, speluncaphobia, discussion of suicide, mental illness, depression, and death.)

Psst! Want to get B&C delivered to your inbox days before it goes live to the public? Become our patron at the $2 or higher level and you are in! Already our patron? Then you know what we're talking about! Enjoy, friend!

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