Backlist: It's round two and the gloves are off! We're discussing SNAKECHARM by Amelia Atwater-Rhodes (published in September 2004), and we SHAN'T APOLOGIZE for how much we dislike this book. WHO ARE ALL THESE FALCONS AND CAN THEY PLEASE GET THEIR TAILFEATHERS OUT OF OUR SNAKE BOOK, PLEASE???
Chill: Cyna is honoring a true cobra hero with her CobraStyle Cocktail (tequila, orange juice, grenadine, and lime), and Ollie has constructed a cool green absinthe concoction (iced mint tea + turbinado sugar + absinthe). Take a look at our sweet drinks! Cyna - Ollie.


As Mentioned: @RaevenlyWrites has been doing a knock-out job exploring the events of Hawksong and Danica and Zane's relationship in greater depth! Check out their fic The Ties That Bind on AO3!

Intro theme - "Let It In" by Josh Woodward.

Next time:  Season 6 Episode 3: FALCONDANCE! Chiller and Chillest tier patrons will receive this episode before it goes public!

Keep staying safe everyone, there's light at the end of the tunnel

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