Time to kick off Season 3 of B&C with THE VAMPIRE DIARIES: THE AWAKENING. This is LJ Smith's first novel, published September 1991. And no one could guess that we're talking about... vampires! Again! (We're very on-brand.)

What's aged well, what's going in the trash, and can we possibly recommend this?

Featuring Cyna drinking the mixed drink "The Vampire Diaries" (strawberry syrup, pepper vodka--oh wait, no, that was awful; rum & coke it is!) and Ollie with some basic-ass wine in honor of Elena being That Girl (Barefoot pink moscato, and Wild Vines blackberry merlot). Intro theme - "Let It In" by Josh Woodward.

Bonus content! Have a gander at Cyna and Ollie's drank set ups via our Twitter sharing.

Next time: TVD: THE STRUGGLE! Chiller and Chillest tier patrons will receive this episode a few days before it goes public!

(1h 26m. Content Warning: Vulgar language, drinking alcohol, shipping boys together, and whining that Katherine deserves better from the hosts; compulsive heteronormativity, thinly veiled metaphors for sex/sexual assault, manipulation, gaslighting, abusive friendships, assault, white knighting, violence, manpain, girlhate, underage drinking, entitlement, stalking, off-screen suicide, murder, blood, animal death, atmospheric spookiness, and Gothic horror from the novel.)

Psst! Want to get B&C delivered to your inbox days before it goes live to the public? Become our patron at the $2 or higher level and you are in! Already our patron? Then you know what we're talking about! Enjoy, friend!

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