Backlist: We're welcoming the fae with open arms as we discuss Holly Black's debut Modern Fairy Tale TITHE (published, appropriately, in October 2002). You can tell we liked it because the episode is short.

Chill: Ollie has created the perfectly-named Glass Swamp (1 part absinthe + 3 parts Diet Ginger Ale + 3 rose petals)  and Cyna has personalized one of the million Green Pixies on the internet into a Kaye Fierch (sour apple schnapps, vodka, triple sec, Sprite, and lemon juice) Pics! Cyna - Ollie.

Intro theme - "Let It In" by Josh Woodward.

Next time:  Season 7 Episode 2: VALIANT! Chiller and Chillest tier patrons will receive this episode before it goes public!

Stay safe y'all!

(1h 18m. Content Warning: Profanity, alcohol consumption, sexually explicit and generally extremely filthy language, discussion of rape and sexual assault, racism, internalized misogyny and victim-blaming, homophobia, abuse and abusive relationships.)

Psst! Want to get B&C delivered to your inbox days before it goes live to the public? Become our patron at the $2 or higher level and you are in! Already our patron? Then you know what we're talking about! Enjoy, friend!

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