Kicking off Backlist & Chill—your new favorite boozin' and readin' nostalgia podcast—we're bringing you THE SILVER KISS. This is the first novel by Annette Curtis Klause published way back in 1990. And, yes, it is about vampires. So what parts aged well? What parts are trash fires? Would we recommend you read it, too? Listen to find out our thoughts after all this time.
Featuring Cyna with a cheap-ass vodka screwdriver and Ollie with B. Nektar's The Dude's Rug. Intro theme - "Let It In" by Josh Woodward.
(1h 25m. Content Warning: Vulgar language and drinking alcohol from hosts; discussions of sexual assault, animal death, cancer, end of life, death, and pedophilic villain from the book.)
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