In Lynne's own words:

There is enormous power in resetting your relationship with food, taking control of your health, strength, mindset and mood. But why  take cooking or health advice from a snarky grandma who doesn’t own a restaurant, isn’t a reality TV star, doesn’t have a medical degree, and doesn’t particularly like to cook? Here's why: my new book, "Brownies for Breakfast, A Cookbook for Diabetics and the People Who Love Them," is a cool, fun, beautiful, guidebook for anybody who wants to eat healthy: vegan, vegetarian, pescatarian, gluten-free and sugar-free.  I was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes more than thirty years ago, and offer myself as living proof that you can cook, eat, sleep and walk your way out of type 2 diabetes, along with other chronic ailments. That’s what I want for you, and the people who love you:“Brownies for Breakfast,” tells you exactly how to do it. I've got stories, I'm fun, at ease in front of a microphone and camera, and love doing podcasts. Let's talk!

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