When tragedies or disasters strike close to home, we look for ways to avoid the anxiety they produce — sometimes by withdrawing or tuning out, and sometimes by turning our attention to lurid or unimportant details. But that sort of avoidance doesn’t help the victims of a tragedy, or the community, heal.   In the aftermath of an event that shakes up our confidence in the order of things — such as what happened here at Reelfoot Lake — it’s vital for communities to come together to reestablish a sense of trust and collective efficacy.   Being present to confront the difficult reality of loss, undertaking the necessary task of “gathering round,” and offering of ourselves, is what matters. It’s part of the reason we live in communities.

Back to the Lodge shows the values, resiliency and determination of Gold Stars, country music artists, veteran non-profits & outdoor personalities.

Hear stories behind the scenes and off the camera of celebrity outdoor personalities combined with country music artists and veterans alike!

Stellar guests and stories on why valuing the outdoors has built amazing successes!