Everybody loves it when the good guy wins.  But what happens when the good guy gets kicked around, or forgotten?  Don’t you just hate that?  Especially when it’s YOU?  Pastor Nat Crawford shows us how Daniel handled this problem.  Arnie Cole and Cara Whitney join Nat to talk about choosing faith over fear and following God wherever He leads you ….

Sometimes we can get stuck in a rut spiritually, experiencing apathy and indifference about the things of God. As a result, our prayer lives grow stagnant, God feels far away, and we are drained of the joy and peace that should be ours as followers of Christ.

Is there a way out of the rut?

Yes. In a practical and relevant book by Arnie Cole and Michael Ross, the answer to spiritual malaise is well within reach of each and every person who is willing to get “unstuck.”

This excellent book examines the common habits and behavior patterns of those who have broken free from spiritual lethargy and moved past the rut. Surveying more than 70,000 men and women of faith, the authors have performed extensive research to bring you the most accurate analysis and conclusions for moving forward in your walk with Christ.

You can get a copy of this helpful book today.  Unstuck!!!

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Get to know Nat Crawford, Cara Whitney, Arnie Cole