Does it ever feel like God has forgotten your prayer?  Your heart’s request?  Today Nat Crawford introduces you to Zacharias, a priest, a husband, and a man who hopes to be a father.  But the years have passed and so have his chances for a child – until it becomes clear that God hears, and God remembers. Do you remember?

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In the midst of everything that’s going on, the pressure to be self-sufficient and ‘do it yourself’ is high, but it isn’t the life God offers. That’s the way of this world--to direct us to try harder and work smarter so that we can take care of ourselves. But the way of the cross points toward the place where we stop striving . . . stop pushing . . . stop seeing things as self-initiated effort, so that we can instead fall into the boundless, liberating, refreshing grace of God!

In the face of these difficulties the world is offering right now, no matter where people stand spiritually, we want to help bring them one step closer to Jesus and His grace! Will you help us in that mission by supporting the work that God is doing through Back to the Bible?

As our thanks for your gift of any size, In The Grip of Grace by Max Lucado will help you lean into God’s grace in fresh ways. Be renewed through this study of His Word as we close this last chapter of 2020 and begin 2021.