It’s a special! So special we only talk about adventure games for about 10 minutes at the end. So, things have got a bit chaotic in the BSD household. Various big life events (for the Danes rather than the Limey) have resulted in us having to take a little bit of a break. But we

Continue reading Special: Life… uh… finds a way

It’s a special! So special we only talk about adventure games for about 10 minutes at the end.

So, things have got a bit chaotic in the BSD household. Various big life events (for the Danes rather than the Limey) have resulted in us having to take a little bit of a break. But we thought we’d come together, have a few beers (actually, it was diet soda, decaffeinated coffee and water) and shoot the breeze for half an hour.

We mention two games from previous guests that you absolutely need to check out. Francisco Gonzalez (Grundislav Games) has released Lamplight City. It’s a detective game set in a fictionalised New World city that is some where between New Orleans, New York, London and Paris. And a few others in between. What’s unique about it is that you can get things “wrong” as you investigate the various crimes committed in New Bretagne – leading to multiple story branches and puzzle arcs. Anyway. Click this bad boy below to see the trailer.

And then there’s Dave Gilbert’s Big One – Unavowed. Fred calls it Wadjet Eye Games’ magnum opus. He’s not wrong. Set in the Blackwell universe, you take a group of characters through New York City. The crew you recruit changes the way the game plays, as they have special abilities and different personalities. Cool, eh? The phat ass trailer is below…

We will be back “soon”…