Gareth is off doing something more important today, so he has left me in charge of announcing this week’s episode. At least, that’s the reason he claimed. It’s quite fortuitous that I am able to comply, actually, having recently dodged a chance to check into Club 27. If you ever find yourself in Denmark, never allow

Continue reading S3E11 – Adventure Elements in Other Games

Gareth is off doing something more important today, so he has left me in charge of announcing this week’s episode. At least, that’s the reason he claimed. It’s quite fortuitous that I am able to comply, actually, having recently dodged a chance to check into Club 27. If you ever find yourself in Denmark, never allow anyone to treat you to “snaps”.

But my birthday is not what the episode is about. It’s about the birthday of a stallion much more magnificent than me: Man ‘o War!


However, it’s also about adventure game elements that have crept into other game genres over the years. Games like “Strife”, “Half-Life”, “Mass Effect”, “Don’t Starve”, etc. that have appropriated various design elements outside of their genre that they arguably owe to adventure games. You get the idea.

While we initially didn’t have a wealth of examples handy, we wound up with a good discussion that you can check out either at the bottom of this post, or on YouTube.

After the main episode, we wanted to keep going about story in adventure games. Enter friend, fan, and Virginia Capers imitator extraordinare, Francisco Gonzalez. We thought it’d be appropriate to bring in someone who had actually developed a game with a good story. Of course, once we had him all tied up in the Green Room, we wound up working Sting and The Police song titles into every last thing said, but it still rocks, and you can check out this very special After Dark special right here:

(Download the mp3)

Finally, we’ve also got a tirade-filled Patreon exclusive this week. Head over there to find it! See you all next week!