Before you say it: I KNOW the episode cuts off abruptly. If you didn't have your eyes GLUED to the screen, then you missed the title card stating that the tale end of this episode ended up running REALLY long and turned out to be one of our BEST conversations on the show YET. So, that will be released as a separate episode in the near future! Otherwise, we are back at it again! This time, we prove just how well public school treated our minds! Chapters: 

1:00 - Supernatural Season Finale spoiler free review
2:20 - Black Panther 2 Filming Start Date
5:31 - Deadpool 3 Writers
9:50 - WW84 to HBO Max, release date announced
14:12 - Bullet Train, Brad Pitt + Lady Gaga
16:30 - Phil Lord and Chris Miller + Channing Tatum Tongue-in-cheek thriller movie
18:01 - Vocab Study
29:30 - Predator 5 Writer and Director Announced