We can all acknowledge that the pandemic forced many to change – and through this, they discovered the many limitations of the applications they had been using – and wanted a change.

So, why is it important to discuss challenges and system migrations? This is a tough topic for many financial leaders to discuss as it requires strong commitment and a future-proofing mindset to set up your company for long-term benefits and growth.

With this in mind, I’m joined today by Kristi Bernhardt, VP of Finance and Administration at Manpower of Lansing, Michigan. We’ll chat through their challenges, the journey, and the outcomes.


02:09: Kristi outlines the operational landscape of Manpower of Lansing across Michigan, Indiana, and Ohio to provide staffing services to their clients.

03:48: Frustration, lack of insights, and inability to see trends were just a few of the pain points with the old accounting system.

06:47: The wall was hit during the pandemic. The decision to make the move to another system was spurred by slow access and having to connect through a VPN. It was clear that long-term success was only achievable by moving to a cloud-based system.

10:18: As with any transition to a new system, a big hurdle that had to be overcome was the difficulty and uncertainty. However, Kristi was shocked by how Sage made the process simple and organized. The expectations were understood for every step.
As a leader, I won’t make big decisions without the input of my team…if they’re not on board with change, it’s not going to be successful for any of us.

14:16: Insights into the data were critical – not just financial data, but data that impacted finances at the periphery. Now by leveraging a cloud solution, the entire team can access the data when needed no matter where they are.

19:00: One of the major long-term benefits of switching systems was the time savings – especially when it comes to closing the books each month.
Manpower of Lansing was able to cut off 4 to 5 days from the month-end process.
21:23: Kristi shares a couple of key takeaways:
Keep your team involved in the decision-making process.
Find the right consulting partners that understand your business and guide you through the process while avoiding pitfalls.

This “Back @ IT” episode is part of the “Future Office of the CFO” program and is brought to you by Sage Intacct, an official underwriter. Sage Intacct can increase ROI and transform your organization with the first and only preferred provider of the AICPA for accounting and financial management software for companies of any size.