In this episode, Dr. David Hanscom continues his discussion with chiropractor and rehabilitation / pain specialist Dr. Tovah Goldfine. She explains that our bodies already come equipped with tremendous healing capabilities, but these can be blocked by repressed emotions. She discusses the idea that you have to get to your emotions through your thoughts. Having a purpose to heal and taking responsibility for it can lead to self-healing. But the first step is letting go of the anger and repressed emotions to clear the path to healing. She also shares the work that she and her partners are doing to educate patients about these concepts and make them aware of their own healing capacity.

Dr Tovah Goldfine, like other passionate doctors in her field, was drawn to the healing profession from a whirlwind of trauma and drama in her own personal life. She has been in practice for 36 years as a Doctor of Chiropractic, Rehabilitation and Pain Solutions. She has assisted her patients with acute pain, chronic pain, autoimmune disease and most importantly, tools and insights they can use to take responsibility for their conditions and their ultimate health and emotional well-being.

Originally from Philadelphia, she is now living and working in Israel. Dr Tovah (as her patients call her) along with her 3 cohosts are presently educating and inspiring self-healing on 3 weekly Facebook Live broadcasts:
TMS RoundTable Global,TMS RoundTable IsraelDisrupt and Heal Autoimmune Disease
Dr Tovah has been deeply influenced by the work of the late Dr John Sarno.