In this episode, Dr. David Hanscom continues his discussion with film producer Dana Croschere.  She described how the commission to do the film came at a key turning point in her journey through chronic pain.  Besides her own story, the film features others on their journey as well as interviews with experts. During the process of making the film she learned the importance of having love and self-compassion for yourself; becoming aware of and identifying what you are experiencing and feeling in the moment; and processing things you haven’t before. These insights helped her heal and thrive.

Dana Croschere’s journey is an inspirational one, full of many obstacles including two unsuccessful spine surgeries in 2020. While still experiencing some level of chronic pain most days, Dana has been able to harness the power of her mind to accomplish things she once thought impossible. She now greets each day with a smile as she works hard to spread the message of LOVE HEALS, a documentary that she not only produced but is featured in as the main character.