Season 4 Episode 15 is out with “Stretch Talk’. What exactly is “Stretch Talk”? If you have played high school or college sports you know that every day you stretch. Stretching can be one of the most routine things you will do on an everyday basis. After a couple weeks, you become familiar on what you need to accomplish stretching wise and can do it in your sleep. During this time, you start to strike up conversations with your teammates.

This week’s stretch talk is about “Keys to having a successful podcast”. I go indepth taking about what it takes to start a podcast and how to successfully grow it. Everyone has podcasts today but many of them don’t last more than a year. In order to keep yor podcast successful, you need to find something you are interested in while putting high quality content.

Topics include:

Why did I start a podcast What is my overall goal What do you need to start a podcast What does it take to have a successful podcast Make it a brand