Season 4 Episode 13 is out with “Stretch Talk’. What exactly is “Stretch Talk”? If you have played high school or college sports you that every day you stretch. Stretching can be one of the most routines things you will do on an everyday basis. After a couple weeks, you become familiar on what you need to accomplish stretching wise and can do it in your sleep. During this time, you start to strike up conversations with you teams.

This week’s stretch talk is about “what if Im a second string and I’m not playing. I have been in this situation before and I know it can be hard. This is a time in someone’s career where they can use it to their advantage or bitch/complain about why you aren’t playing. In order to get out of this situation you need to evaluate yourself and your surroundings.

Topics include:

-          Be honest with yourself

-          Gather all of the information from your coach face to face

-          Get your own development program

-          Practice isn’t practice

-          Pre-Game as a second string

-          What you should be doing during games

I wanted to share this information to everyone because I know how hard it can be to work all offseason and then sit the bench. It can be a hard time and there is no guidance on how to be successful in this situation. These overall topics will put you in the best situation possible to be able to play baseball as a starter. Just relax and keep working hard!!

Season 4 Episode 13 is out with “Stretch Talk’. What exactly is “Stretch Talk”? If you have played high school or college sports you that every day you stretch. Stretching can be one of the most routines things you will do on an everyday basis. After a couple weeks, you become familiar on what you need to accomplish stretching wise and can do it in your sleep. During this time, you start to strike up conversations with you teams.

This week’s stretch talk is about “what if Im a second string and I’m not playing. I have been in this situation before and I know it can be hard. This is a time in someone’s career where they can use it to their advantage or bitch/complain about why you aren’t playing. In order to get out of this situation you need to evaluate yourself and your surroundings.

Topics include:

-          Be honest with yourself

-          Gather all of the information from your coach face to face

-          Get your own development program

-          Practice isn’t practice

-          Pre-Game as a second string

-          What you should be doing during games

I wanted to share this information to everyone because I know how hard it can be to work all offseason and then sit the bench. It can be a hard time and there is no guidance on how to be successful in this situation. These overall topics will put you in the best situation possible to be able to play baseball as a starter. Just relax and keep working hard!!