Episode 11 season 3 is out. I decided to talk about how I program my athletes. I go through four sections including- Eval, Pitching Eval, Progression, Exercise Order. I wanted to take a deep dive into these topics because I know they are completely different per coach. Topics that will be included:


FMS: OH Squat, SL Squat, Active Straight Leg Raise

1) Truck Stability Test

2) Thomas Test

3) SL Glute Firing

4) Ankle Mobility

5) T Spine Extension

6) T Spine Rotation

7) Arm Care App: Measures Rotator Cuff and Scap strength

8) Broad Jump

9) SL Lateral Jump

10) 40 yard dash


Throwing Eval


Trunk Movement

Stabilization Phase Rotation Phase Flexion Phase


Arm Movement

Separation Phase Pickup Phase Disconnection Phase Elbow Spiral Phase Driveline Phase


Lower Half Movement

Loading Phase Striding Phase Rotating Phase Blocking Phase



GPP/Muscular Endurance Basic Strength Eccentric Isometric Max Strength Speed


Exercise Order


Throwing Program Exercise Order