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About Jess
Jess is a 25-year-old working on building a net worth of $1M by 35. She is the founder of That's Common Cents, where teaches others about investing and retiring early along the way. Her mission is to get other women, millennials, and Gen Z-ers excited about finance by breaking it down in a way that they can actually understand. Follow her @thatscommentscents and

About Delaney
Delaney is a Chicago-based actress and associate at a tech startup. In her free time, she’s likely obsessing over her coworkers’ babies or delivering homemade cookies to her friends. She finally made her Instagram public so follow @deespang to get your fix of baby or baking content from a childless 25-year-old soccer mom. Website:

About Scarlett
Scarlett is a freelance writer, screenwriter, and playwright. In January 2020, she founded Literally Broke, a personal finance platform for artists and creatives. When she’s not writing, you can catch Scarlett creating memes and defending her latte habit. You can find her sounding off on IG @literallybrokeblog or Twitter @scarmccarthy. Website: 

Disclaimer: Bachelornomics does not guarantee any results from using this content and is for educational purposes only. It is your responsibility to do your own research, consult, and obtain a professional for your medical, legal, financial, health, or other help that you may need.

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