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Welcome to the dumpster fire!!!!Questions of the Day - Would you rather go to the DMV or have to be in a thrupple with Clayton?Recap: Buckle up team…we got a yarn to spin!ConceptsConcept 1: The meaning of words and why it is important. Gabby was trying her best to explain how she felt to Clayton and he kept saying “I understand, but did he?” Does it matter that he didn’t understand specifically why she was hurt or is a general understanding ok?Concept 2: Keeping someone on the “backburner” or “on the hook” Is there a word the youths use?Is this ethical?Concept 3: Breakups…What is ethical? What makes a good breakup?Is this the only situation when someone would breakup with two people at the same time?What responsibility does the break-ee have to respond?(In my best Tone Loc voice) - Danielle does the wild card…Empathy, Scapegoating, And Danielle’s Rage toward the franchiseThoughts on Gabby and Rachel as Bachelorettes?Lessons learned?Thanks for listening: Osaka, Japan!