Previous Episode: Ma, Chaos & Banana Bill
Next Episode: Reciprocity

Welcome to Bachademia. Bill is somewhere that is not Cedar Falls. Danielle is still in her cloffice. Danielle is now talking in 3rd person, so that’s how that’s going. We have a give away coming up soon. Question: If this semester was a color, what color would it be? Also, do you have a favorite travel snack? Last week, we said goodbye to Jamie which means there was an opening for the Bachelorette villain. Who will it be? After Martin impressed Michelle with his care and attention last week, she begins this week by inviting him on a one-on-one. When the date card is revealed, Olu lets us know that he’s surprised by this decision because Jamie and Martin were apparently close. At dinner the conversation continues. Martin talks a lot. He tells us that he’s blunt, working on his communication skills, and never cries. Somehow this works. Michelle says that she feels like Martin listens and applies what he’s learning and she gives him a rose. Whatevs folx. We move onto the group date: Will, Chris S., Casey, Chris G., Leroy, Rodney, Olu, Brandon, Clayton, Joe, Romeo, and Nayte. This let’s us know that Rick will get the next one-on-one. Nayte expresses disappointment and says that his one-on-one will come. Apparently those are drama starting words so hold onto them.The date is a slumber party. They all get silky pjs and there’s a risky business montage with Chris. It is moments like these, I really question my decision to watch this show. Like what am I doing with my life? The guys are having fun. Clayton is punching Olu in the stomach. I have no idea why. (Also, Clayton, still not interesting). They have a teddy bear fight, a not so interesting twist to the classic pillow fight. Michelle doesn’t feel paid attention to. After the winning team gets dosed (sp) with confetti no one pulls michelle aside. Except for Kaitlyn who notices and has a heart to heart with Michelle.At the cocktail party, Michelle expresses her disappointment in the men and explains that growing up she often felt overlooked and that is a sore spot for her. Olu responds empathetically and talks about his sisters experiences. Michelle tells Nayte she especially feels hurt by him and he apologizes and promises to do more to make her feel seen. The next day, Rick and Michelle have their one-on-one. They walk through the woods and find a wish box. They add their wishes and Rick talks about losing his father. They add a wish that reads, I wish to find love by having hard conversations. Thoughts?At dinner Rick opens up more about his upbringing. We learn that he found out his dad was cheating on his mom. He also let’s Michelle know that he is falling in love with her.So we enter the cocktail party and we still don’t have this episode’s villain. Enter Chris. Chris let’s the guys know that Michelle was really upset about being ignored. He’s ready to save the day. Also, he thinks Nayte is cocky.Side note: did you notice that she said she’d never had peanut m&ms before? Rose ceremony: Brandon, Leroy, Joe, Rodney, Clayton, Casey, Nayte, and Chris S. join Martin, Olu, and Rick Go home: Chris G., Romeo, and Will The big news: They are going to MN.Predictions? Lessons learned?

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