Previous Episode: The Big Smoke
Next Episode: Spelling Bee

Welcome to Bachademia. We are about to have a snowy spring break. I’ve got Kim with me. She’s the bee’s knees. I’ve never understood that phrase. Do bee’s have knees? Are they nice knees? Kim is amazing and I’ve missed her. How’s life Kim? 

Today’s question: have you ever written or received a cringy love note?

Recap: They go to Budapest. We learn Greer has recovered from Covid but things don’t seem promising. But Zach’s a nice guy, so he strings her along. He asks Kaity on a second one-on-one.  They walk around and almost share personal information with each other– like Zach’s genealogy. They write each other love letters that I have feelings about but the letters themselves had no feeling. That night, Zach describes himself as flabbergasted. Kaity talks about how men in her life have always left her. She cries. We learn nothing about Zach or his family. 

Somewhere along the way, Greer flies to Budapest to get dumped. 

They announce the group date and we learn that Brooklyn will get the one-on-one. Kat is breaking down. So they go see a mentalist– which is a psychic magician. The emotional labor required on this date is unexpected. Again, women disclose things about themselves and Zach does not. But Gabi says holy shiitake mushrooms, so I’m still watching. And Gabi gets the group date rose.

I’m worried about Brooklyn’s fate at this point because Zach describes her as a real cowgirl and he doesn’t really come across as a cowboy. So…. Brooklyn and Zach also take a bath together and then at dinner Brooklyn explains how important her family is which makes Zach unable to breathe. He stares pensively at the Budapest skyline and then dumps Brooklyn. 

It is rose ceremony time, and it is kinda clear that Kat is gonna go home. She’s not sure about things and Zach wants surety. We see super cute take of Kaity and Ariel? In the bathtub playing with bubbles. Previews suggest Zach doesn’t want sex and families are skeptical of this whole thing. 

Have you been shocked by anyone that he has sent home? (let’s talk about Greer here too). Any predictions?What do two people need to know about each other before getting engaged?Let’s talk about this no sex stuff. Kim wildcard-background old European peopleDanielle will thank listeners or give a shout out or something.