Previous Episode: Cut the strings!
Next Episode: Sh!t Goes Sideways

Guest: This week we have Dr. Melissa Dobosh as our guest. Melissa is an Associate Professor of Communication and Media. She specializes in how groups and teams work together as well as organizational relationships.Question of the week: If you were going to work really hard and qualify for an olympic sport in the winter or summer olympics, what do you think you could qualify in?So the show started with some real heartburn. Michael tells the producers he has told his son he is gone for work. Bill XC - Parenting and lying…Men Tell All - I am mad, I wanted home towns. Let’s do this by topic…Who is here for the right reasons?Connor - he says he asked former girlfriends if he is a bad kisser. They say you are great, sometimes two people just don’t kiss good together. 1). Would you tell someone they are a bad kisser? 2). It sounds to me like he is a bad kisser and his ex was trying to be kind…He then kisses an audience member that was supposedly random...this is BS and I will die on this hill. Danielle EC on the realness of reality tvAndrew is in the hot seat...was there anything interesting here? Michael, we have covered him, but some questions:Katie makes an entranceEveryone loves Katie and Katie loves everyone. Thomas zooms in, he still doesn’t seem to get why no one likes him. He makes an odd apology-ish statement. Katie also makes an apology-ish statement. Do you want to see him in paradise?Connor wants everyone to remember he can sing and play instruments, the song was cute...I still am not sold. Favorite blooper?Lessons learned?Dr. Dobosh you get the last word, what wisdom can you impart on us???