Previous Episode: 2 for 1

Welcome!Question: Do you feel older or younger than your age?Two minute recap:Imma recap the ish out of this one….Concept 1: So, Chris made a bold statement that he wouldn’t want to be with a bachelorette that banged multiple times during fantasy suites. A couple questions: 1). Is it too early to think about this? 2). Would he bang multiple bachelorettes? 3). Concept 2: The elephant in the room is that there are 2 Bachelorettes and this seems to be creating an existential crisis for all involved. Some guys are starting to declare their interest in one of the Bachelorettes, some guys are being cagey. Thoughts? Should they be declaring their intentions so early? Does this resemble the real world at all?Concept 3: Gabby and Nate had a great date, the internet loves Nate. One big reason is because he is a “girl dad.” 1). What is the draw of the “girl dad?” 2). Thoughts on becoming a bonus parent? To Gabby’s credit she seems thoughtful about it. Host 2 wildcard topic: Budgie Smugglers Who went home & Lessons learned:Matt L. (physical therapist), Justin B (English Teacher), John A (Bartender), Branden H (Sales director), Colin F (Investment Director), Ryan M (Boston dude)City Shoutout: Amityville, NY (,_New_York)Sign off