On this week's podcast I am excited to share with you Demi, Demi is Paediatric Physiotherapist and founder of @demi_thebabyphysio.  

We run through what a Paediatric Physio can do to support you and your family, discuss all the different Gross Motor Skill developments that our babies will go through in their first year - 2 years of life.

Also, what we can do as parents/caregivers to support them during these huge developmental leaps,  with of course lots of love and practice.  
We also discuss how often these developmental leaps can impact sleep and what we can do to support them to master their new skills and get back to sleeping well.

Demi has just released a new e-book, titled "Nurture your Newborn"  A guide on fostering your baby's development.

Much Love

Donna xo