This weeks episode is a little bit different and to be honest one we thought we would never need to do but the intention of this podcast was to bring you guys truth and realness of behind the scenes of business so this episode comes from a place of wanting to empower and educate you guys, to make the right decisions within your business, in particular for those of you who are in the network marketing profession, so you can learn from what we’re currently experiencing and growing through. We talk about what it takes to be successful and why chasing shiny objects and the next best thing isn’t going to serve you or your goals of success, we talk about what it means to have grit, the on flow effects of delayed gratification and why that will serve you ten fold compared to giving up when it gets hard, we talk about researching longevity and sustainability in your business, abundant vs scarcity mindset, bad behaviour online from network marketers and how that sadly tarnishes the reputation of this profession, and why getting caught up in hype will do the exact opposite of attracting abundance to you.



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Chani's website:

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