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In this extract from an interview conducted by Ruth Weiss on September 28th, 1979, the then “first and only” Namibian medical doctor, Libertina Inaviposa Amathila (née Appolus), also known as Libertine Amathila, talks about studying in exile and becoming a doctor as well as women’s education, gender issues and life in the Namibian refugee camps in Angola and Zambia. Amathila, who had fled South African ruled Namibia in the early 1960s, became a high-ranking SWAPO official. Ruth Weiss interviewed her most likely in Lusaka where SWAPO had its headquarters in the 1970s.

The Ruth Weiss Collection - Interview with Libertina Amathila, September 1979

In this extract from an interview by Ruth Weiss on September 28, 1979 the then “first and only” Namibian medical doctor, Libertina Amathila, talks about studying in exile and becoming a doctor as well as women’s education, gender issues and life in the Namibian refugee camps in Angola and Zambia. Amathila, who had fled South African ruled Namibia in the early 1960s, became a high-ranking SWAPO official. Ruth Weiss interviewed her most possibly in Lusaka where SWAPO had its headquarters in the 1970s.