Allen and Justin, the co-founders of B2B Vault: The Payment Technology Podcast, had always shared a passion for payment technology and the role it plays in transforming the way businesses operate. Both were working in the payment technology industry, but they noticed a gap in the market for a podcast that focused specifically on the B2B (business-to-business) side of payment technology.

They had seen plenty of podcasts that covered consumer payment technologies, but there was a clear need for a platform that would delve deeper into the specific challenges and opportunities facing B2B payment technology companies. They felt that such a podcast would be valuable not only for payment technology professionals but also for business owners and decision-makers who were looking to stay ahead of the curve in this rapidly evolving field.

With this in mind, Allen and Justin began to plan the podcast, envisioning it as a space where payment technology experts and business leaders could come together to discuss the latest trends, share insights and best practices, and offer practical advice for navigating the complex world of B2B payment technology.

They drew on their own expertise and networks to secure interviews with some of the industry's top thought leaders and innovators. They also leveraged social media and online forums to spread the word about their podcast, and soon began to build a dedicated following of listeners who appreciated their insightful, informative approach to the topic.

Over time, B2B Vault has grown into a thriving community of payment technology professionals and enthusiasts, with listeners tuning in from all over the world to stay up-to-date on the latest developments in the industry. Allen and Justin continue to expand the podcast's reach by regularly featuring new guests, offering practical tips and advice, and engaging with their listeners through social media and other online channels.

Their vision of a podcast dedicated to B2B payment technology has become a reality, and their passion and commitment to the field continue to inspire others to push the boundaries of what's possible in this exciting and dynamic space.