So 2022 is almost over, and we covered many subjects on the podcast over the year. This past month was busy with all sorts of crazy news stories, and we were active at the office with many different projects.

Here are the topics we talked about in the last month:

We thought "Cannabis" would rise and Congress would pass the Safe Banking Act - only to find out that they kicked the can down the road again. Then we get notices from Visa and the Banks that we deal with about Cashless ATMs and that they are shutting it all down and fining business and the companies who placed them $50K per device.

Cryptocurrency has been in the news the last month with the FTX debacle. Congress, CFPB - Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, SEC Security, Exchange Commission, and FinCEN are all cracking down on the "Digital Asset" industry. Making stiff laws regulating Anti Money Laundering Rules and Regulations and Crypto companies have until Feb or March 2023 to finish up audits.

In our opinion, the law regarding how Crypto is handled needs to be changed to what Japan is doing; there, you can purchase, then the crypto/tokens are moved to another platform that acts as a bank to hold the Crypto/Tokens. This way, what happened at FTX can't occur; Coinbase has a setup similar to that - where you purchase on Coinbase, and then the crypto/tokens are held in the Coinbase wallet.

We talked about our community giving project.

We talked about how scams are on the rise right now, especially during the holiday season; everything from check fraud (watch for future podcast), shoplifting, and friendly fraud in retail and restaurants, along with fraud on the internet with e-commerce and Identity Theft. 

We covered how to Thrive in a Recession and down economy and provided some excellent advice and lessons from the past about things we had had to deal with when it came to business and experiencing similar circumstances.

Digitizing your business and marketing needs to be on your list of things to do for 2023! We talk about the need for companies to use Social Media, Google my business page, reviews, upgrade your website, look at the technology you are using in your business today, and see how you can update that.

Businesses all need to embrace the new way to do business - OMNI Channel or Compete Business Solution and offer your customers the services that the big companies offer - we have it all available for you! Have a website that provides delivery, in-store pickup, and curbside pickup so you can compete in 2023! 

Level up your technology! 

We also explain what the F is a Merchant Account and What the difference is between a bank account and a merchant account. Also, we explain why you need separate business bank accounts to save money on taxes and more! And we describe a simple formula of how to figure out how to calculate what you pay for credit card processing. You have to listen to get that GEM.

We also answered quite a few viewer/listener questions that were sent in. Keep sending those questions to us, post on our various social media accounts or send a message, your question could get featured on the podcast, and we might send you some SWAG.