Hey, this is Allen. With another episode of the B2B vol today, we're going to talk about emerging markets. This is one of my favorite subjects to talk about. And most business owners don't even understand what's emerging markets are, and you know what it's all about. So a lot of people confuse emerging markets with international credit card processing. What doesn't have anything to do with that? Emerging markets are certain types of businesses that visa and MasterCard assigned special rates for those businesses. And, you know, so the merchants get special interchange rates. Those interchange rates can result in an enormous amount of savings. We do consult. So part of our consulting is that we make sure that your business is classified correctly with the correct SIC code that you have licensing to match the SIC code so that your business can qualify for these emerging market rates. We call it interchange-busting. It does take some work on our part because we have to make sure we have everything in the file. We have to register you with the card brands and the same way as CPA. Deciphers the tax code. We decipher the code with visa and MasterCard. So who qualifies for these businesses that are involved in education telecom? So education can be anything, schools, childcare services, preschools, um, online education, anything involving education, you, you could be saving tons of money, especially if you're using a platform like PayPal square or Stripe, um, or even regular credit card processing.