Before you get to product-market fit, you need to test your go to market hypotheses. Here's a 5-step framework to help you execute quick GTM tests:

Pick an audience. Who’s your product for? Envision a persona who has a problem. A job to be done so to speak. Some kind of pain. Maybe they are in a specific industry, or have certain titles. Create a value proposition to address the job to be done. What’s it for? Ideally you can make a promise, and create some compelling content that answers questions that someone with this challenge might have. Why should your prospects change?Get a case study or a quote from an existing customer. If you don’t, you might not be ready to do this experiment in this market, as you don’t have enough to offer. You need to be able to answer the questions for your prospects: “Why should I change with you?” and “How can you help me?”Figure out where they hang out. Where are they? See if you can find at least 100 of the people in your target audience. In B2B we like to use LinkedIn. It’s the best list service out there because it’s up-to-date, has enough information to use in targeting and filtering, is “pay as you go”, and can be paired with various tools to automate outreach.Test your thesis with simple outreach messages. These can be LinkedIn InMail, organic connect requests, emails or even facebook or LinkedIn Ads. Make sure to track the data of what people click on, look at and respond to. Your goal is to get meetings or at least content interaction to learn from their reactions.

You should be able to run one experiment like this at least per month, and possible more often when you get good at it.