The content playbook that worked in the 2010s doesn’t work anymore. Things like keyword search volume, word count, and post date/time don’t have the same impact they used to. Instead of working backward from keyword to content, good content marketing does the reverse—start with a question you think you can answer better than someone else. 

Don’t worry about the keywords for now.

There are two steps to nailing good content in 2023:

Understand the problem. Who are you talking to? What are the questions they’re asking? Articulate the problem in terms your audience will connect with.Look at existing content on the topic and ask yourself: “Can I add real value to these results?” Be critical: will your point of view make a meaningful contribution? If you can solve a problem better than others—you can probably say something about it.

Google is overflowing with content by folks who chose a keyword to rank for, then wrote content that tries to rank for it without expertise on the topic. As a result, so much B2B content is generic, basic, and long-winded. 

Strong content strategy starts with a common problem or question and expert-level content. SEO considerations should only come after you’ve created content worth being consumed. 

Here are four criteria that should be fulfilled before you create new content:

There is a collection of people who share a problemYou understand and can articulate that problemYou can expertly solve their problem (or answer their question) better than othersPeople can find your answer

Some things will make your content perform better (proper markup, strong UX, good core web vitals, backlinks, interlinking, etc.), but if you don’t start with a foundation of valuable material—it won’t get you far. 

Links shared in this episode:

Free content marketing hub from Kalungi: Executive SaaS marketing frameworks by Stijn and Mike: Instant marketing team for early-stage software startups:  

Submit and vote on questions for us to answer: 


B2B SaaS Marketing Snacks (BSMS) is a podcast that simplifies complex marketing topics in small bites, produced by Kalungi. Hosted by Mike Northfield, Kalungi’s Chief Evangelist, and Stijn Hendrikse, Kalungi’s co-founder.

Kalungi is a marketing agency that works with early-stage software startups. Kalungi acts as an instant marketing department that will build and deploy a company's complete go-to-market using T2D3 methodologies. Full-service clients get access to a strategic marketing leader and a team of tactical marketing specialists who can be held accountable for results.