OKRs help you stay on track with your larger company objectives while also keeping an eye on the day-to-day things and doing the right kind of projects that support the objectives. So it balances the short-term and the long-term. That means:

The objective asks "why are you here? What's the reason you're doing marketing?"The key result is something that you can use to measure your progress against that objective during a quarter.Actions, or activities come below the key result. They answer "what are the things you're going to do to achieve that key result?

For example:

Objective: Drive demand for your product and services.Key Result: 50 new marketing qualified leads that are handed to the sales team.Actions:Execute ABM campaigns to two specific verticals with a clear ICP.Optimize prospect lead nurture campaigns.Improve channel attribution to drive optimization and accountability of the different owners of the different channels.