Me and Neil Weaver - Content Creator and Editor at Modo Energy - dive into the challenges and strategies of modernising marketing in industries traditionally resistant to change.

We talk about Modo's approach to content marketing, specifically its play into building a media brand.

Key discussions include:

The intersection of sales and marketing at Modo and the collaborative effort to produce customer-centric content.The effectiveness of video content and podcasts in storytelling and audience engagement.Challenges in measuring content marketing success and aligning with business objectives.Modo's future plans, including a rebranding effort and global expansion, while maintaining its unique position in the energy sector.


Have you thought about launching a podcast for your brand but aren't sure where to start? Book 60 minutes with me to brainstorm some ideas and get practical advice on how to create a show your customers care about.

Totally free.

Drop me an email at [email protected] or book a time to chat with me using this link:

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